International Affairs (In The Process of Merging with Investment):

 Given that the National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company holds a fundamental governance role in the oil refining industry and the petroleum products market, it must provide a suitable foundation for the transfer of technical knowledge and deepen financial institutions and instruments through the development of international relations. To achieve this, a structured and integrated framework is necessary within the National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company to carry out the following activities in the areas of international exchanges of "products (including goods and services)," "technology and technical know-how," "raw materials and capital and intermediary goods," and "investment and financing":

  1. Creating and improving international relations to enter transregional and international markets through the design and issuance of new financial instruments tailored to technical conditions, market demands, and domestic laws and regulations.
  2. Establishing a suitable platform for exporting and importing services, including technical and engineering services for the refining and distribution industry, through the design and issuance of tools, contracts, and memorandums of understanding tailored to technical conditions, market demands, and domestic laws and regulations.
  3. Developing the financial markets of the domestic refining and distribution industry through the design and implementation of appropriate institutions and financial instruments to attract international capital
  4. Formulating necessary mechanisms and regulations for the active presence of refining and distribution industry players in international markets with the aim of international investment or financing.
  5. Designing and implementing mechanisms, institutions, tools, and infrastructures necessary for developing technology diplomacy with holders of superior technical knowledge in the international arena to transfer knowledge and technology, focusing on refineries and petro-refineries.
  6. Creating necessary mechanisms for interactions in the investment sectors and the exchange of refining products to complete the value chain of the oil refining industry internationally.
  7. Activating and managing international relations of the National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company in the fields of energy diplomacy and technology diplomacy to fulfill the governance and regulatory roles in the country's oil refining industry.

گروه دورانV6.1.12.0